A Woman's Worth 2 Read online

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  “Big bro, what it do?” Quinton answered the phone.

  “What’s good Quint? How are you?” Moses yawned into the phone.

  “I’m good, taking it one day at a time.”

  “So, how was that problem you were having? Did you handle it?” Moses referred to some problems Quinton was having with his new woman in his life.

  “Nah, she still doing what she do. No respect for our relationship at all, but I love her, man. She’s everything a nigga need.”

  “Everything a nigga need ain’t always good,” Moses advised.

  “Yeah, I know but that’s my lil boo so I’m gonna stick it out. She been throwing up lately so you know what that means,” Quinton squealed.

  “You sure that it would be yours?”

  “Nah, my boo flirt but she ain’t on it like that. Look, bro, I’m about to head in the office so I’ll hit ya later. Kiss my nephew and everybody for me.” Quinton hung up. Moses put the phone down and put his head back on his head rest.


  Epiphany rolled over and watched Lace continue to pack for his trip. She wanted to go but she had to stay and hold it down for her man and their business.

  “Baby, why do you have to go?” Epiphany said, dragging her words.

  “Ma, you know I’m about to check my cousin and see how he doing. I also have to look for some properties, remember you said you don’t want to be in New York. You want to be in Miami with Promise. So we have to move our shit to Miami. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “I know, can do you do me one favor?” Epiphany pouted. Lace leaned on the bed and held her face in her hands. He kissed her face and held up her engagement ring.

  “Anything, babe.”

  “I want a closet the size of two bedrooms and a new car,” Epiphany replied.

  “You got it, baby. Give me kiss.”

  Epiphany and Lace found comfort in each other, Lace found what he was looking for in Kim which was a ride or die bitch. Epiphany gave him that and more. Epiphany thought Lace was a little weird, yet he was her weird man and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I love you, bae,” Epiphany said.

  “I love you more, Piff.” Lace said as he left out just in time to catch his flight.

  Epiphany sighed and got out of bed to start her day. Just as she was about to go in the bathroom, her cellphone rang.

  “I love you, Sylvester, and I always will, baby. It’s me and you against the world. Now hurry up so you can come back to me, babe.”

  “Damn, I love you,” He said as he smiled ending the call. Somehow now he felt like it was true when he heard those words.


  Mezzie pulled up to Tiffany’s house and got out. She hadn’t heard from her in a couple weeks and just needed to see if she was okay. Mezzie tried to distance herself from Tiffany ever since Tyrisha’s death. She didn’t want to seem like she was trying to replace, Tyrisha. Marquise came out the house and walked passed Mezzie so engrossed in his cellphone.

  “Hello to you, too,” Mezzie giggled.

  “My bad, Mez, I’m so busy trying to get to the airport. You know Lace coming in town today and you know how he get when he waiting around.” Marquise leaned in for a hug.

  “Oh, I didn’t know. Yeah, I do know Lace but how has he been since being back on his medicine?” Mezzie questioned.

  “He’s back to his old self. Look I got to go, Mez. If you’re still here when I get back we’ll have some Coronas. Tiff is upstairs and Madison and MJ are with Maryann.” Marquise ran off and got into his car.

  Mezzie let herself into the house and went up to Tiffany’s room. She could hear Momma D’s voice coming out her room so she knew Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was on.

  “Stop watching this ratchet shit and get ya’ ass up,” Mezzie advised.

  “Girl, I am tired and sick.”

  “From what? Let me find out,” Mezzie joked.

  “Oh, you found out,” Tiffany responded. Mezzie’s mouth dropped and she looked around the room as if someone else was listening to their conversation.

  “How does he feel about that?”

  “He’s happy and want to talk about it every day of the day. Me? I just want to acknowledge that it’s in there and go on with my life until it comes.”

  “It’s his first child so that’s what you have to expect; he’s going to be happy. When I told Reshawn about Ray he acted like I told him I wanted a piece of gum. But I chalked that up to him having a child before so this wasn’t a new rodeo for him. Let him enjoy this moment like you enjoyed the moment you found out about Madison,” Mezzie spit some wisdom to Tiffany.

  “Just for the record he wasn’t excited when I told him about Maddie either.”


  Mezzie tapped on her steering wheel to the beat of the new hit song “Happy” as she sang along to the song. Her windows were rolled all the way up and her tints were extra dark, so no one saw her acting a fool behind her steering wheel. Mezzie turned to look out the window and dropped her gum she was chewing in her lap. In a red BMW truck sat Tone behind the wheel nodding his head to the music. Mezzie turned her music off and waited for the light to turn green to merge into his lane. She let three cars pass in front and followed Tone’s cars.

  After twenty minutes of following him he finally turned into his old gated community he once shared with Tyrisha. Mezzie knew it was no way she was going to get in without using her name. She waited until the gate opened and closed for Tone and pulled up quickly.

  “Hi, that’s my child’s father. He has my son’s bottle in the car and he will not sleep without it. Can I please go in and get it quick?” Mezzie begged and bent a little so he could see breast toppling out her tank top.

  “Ma’am, I’m not supposed to but I guess if I called Antonio it wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “No! I mean now does that make sense for you to call him when I can just go get what I need and just leave quickly and quietly?” The man huffed but opened the gates.

  “If you’re not out in ten minutes I am coming to get you,” The man warned.

  “I’ll be out in five,” Mezzie confirmed and pulled into the gates.

  Mezzie cruised down each block looking for the car Tone was driving. She really wished he didn’t pull into a garage because then she would be screwed. She didn’t spot the red BMW but she did spot Tone checking his mail. She thought her eyes was playing tricks on her. The nigga was living next door to the house he once shared with Tyrisha.

  “This nigga hiding in plain sight,” Mezzie said through clenched teeth.

  Mezzie tried to look at his hands but she couldn’t make out if he had fingers or not. His face still had cut marks but other than that he still looked like the same Tone, plus the cane. Mezzie waited for him to go in the house until she pulled off. Little did she know Tone knew someone was watching him, he just didn’t know who because of the dark tints.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Lace stepped out into the hot Miami sun and welcomed the humid weather. His skin was still cold from the AC from the plane. He spotted Marquise leaning against the hunter green Range Rover. He walked over to the car and dropped his bags.

  “Nigga, I didn’t know that little hair shit you did made you money like this,” Lace said. Marquise screwed his face up.

  “Shut ya’ crazy ass up. You might not want to smoke because I might lace ya’ shit,” Marquise spat back. Lace looked at Marquise and likewise.

  “Nigga, come give me some love,” Lace insisted. They gave each other a brotherly hug and Marquise helped Lace with his suitcase. Both men joked around like that since being children in the foster home.

  “What’s new witcha’?” Lace started as both men piled into the car.

  “Man, Tiffany’s pregnant. She told me last week. I feel happy and worried about being a father ya’ know,” Marquise confessed.

  “It’s natural, I got confidence you will be a great father. Tiff is already an amazing mother to Madison,” Lace compliment

  “Thanks, man. So when you and Epiphany making that move?”

  “We trying to be down here in a couple months. I love that woman to the core; she can’t get away even if she wanted.”

  “I feel you.” Marquise smiled and continued back to his and Tiffany’s house.


  Mezzie walked through the house with shopping bags and the info she just found out. She called out Reshawn’s name and when she didn’t hear a response she knew where the men were. Mezzie dropped the bags on the counter and continued to the basement. Moses had his basement laid out with chairs and a bar and it extended out to the back yard for the children. Mezzie found Moses and Reshawn knocked out sleep on the sofa with House wives of Atlanta still playing on the TV. Mezzie slapped Reshawn and went around the couch to slap Moses but he grabbed her hand.

  “You didn’t think I got where I am today by not listening to my surroundings even when I’m sleep.” Moses yawned.

  “Why didn’t you answer me if you so called heard me?” Mezzie stood with her hand on her hip.

  “You this nigga bitch, not mine.” Moses laughed. Reshawn joined in while Mezzie rolled her eyes.

  “Are y’all done?” Mezzie asked getting impatient.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Moses asked first.

  “Well, I was minding my business on my way back from Tiffany’s house jamming to “Happy” when a BMW pulled up next to me –“

  “I know you ain’t about to tell us someone tried to hit on you,” Reshawn interrupted. He pulled Mezzie on his lap and kissed her neck. She snuggled up to him and continued her story.

  “No, Rah. Tone was in the car. I couldn’t resist but to follow him and you won’t guess where that nigga live?”

  “Mez, following him wasn’t a smart idea. We know you ain’t too good with tailing motherfuckers. Where he live?” Moses questioned.

  “Next door to the same house he and Tyrisha shared,” Mezzie revealed. Mezzie never saw Moses cry or sweat under pressure but right now he didn’t look too well.

  “How did he look? Wheelchair or what?”

  “Nah, he looked regular. He had a couple scars and shit but I couldn’t see his fingers and shit,” Mezzie answered.

  “I’m ready to tie up these loose ends,” Moses said as he got up to leave. Mezzie looked at Reshawn who sat silently looking at the wall.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Tone sat on the couch flicking through the channels for something to watch. He had got out for a little to get his hair cut and groceries. Ever since he moved into his new residence he didn’t go out much. Most of the time he stayed in the house snacking and watching TV. As much as he tried to get the image of what he went through at the hands of Lace he couldn’t shake the feeling. He knew it was time to stand up and take back his life.

  He gained his weight back and devoted numerous hours to working out since he didn’t go out much. Lace ruined his life and Tone promised himself he was going to make sure everyone paid starting with his sweet baby mother. Tone had a feeling it was Mezzie who was following him. Had it been Moses or Reshawn he wouldn’t had been sitting on his couch. He factored Tiffany out because she wouldn’t have hesitated to kill his ass either.

  His health was slowly failing. He had to go to dialysis and he also had to walk with a cane. He had a total of six missing fingers and no toes. His life was meaningless now. His brother went back home and only called once in a blue moon. Tone felt like he never stopped supplying Moses…which was true. Although the thought of going to war with Moses was easier to dream about, the reality was he couldn’t do shit but sit on this couch and work out.

  Tone’s eyes shifted to the wedding picture of him and Kim sitting on the coffee table. He missed her terribly and wondered what happened to her. Victor told him she could be dead because they hadn’t heard from her. Her parents called him regularly and filed a missing persons report but because Kim was grown and the couple had prior separations the cops ruled it as she left Tone. Tone was glad they didn’t think he killed her. Tone laid his head back on his chair and watched as his home health aide finished his dishes and wiped her hands. That was another reason he hated Lace and wanted to see him dead.

  “Mr. Garcia, the dishes are done and the garbage is out. I emptied your commode in the bedroom for tonight,” She informed him.

  “I don’t use that shit so I don’t know what you emptied from it,” Tone shot back.

  “Well it’s good for you to use especially since you have a history of falls.”

  “Nah, I don’t have no history with falls. It was one time in the hospital.”

  “That was what I was told…my bad… I mean, I’m sorry,” she corrected herself.

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-two…is that a problem?” She asked.

  “Nah, not at all. But why would you want to do this when you could be doing so much more?”

  “I don’t have a diploma and this is how I pay my bills right now.”

  “What bills could a twenty-two year old have?” Tone had to ask.

  “Nigga…I mean, ‘sir’, I rent an apartment and lease my own car. Not to mention I take care of my boyfriend and our three year old son,” the girl sighed and sat down on the couch and looked at time. She had twenty minutes before she was allowed to clock out.

  “You taking care of your son, I understand, but a grown man you don’t have to take care of,” Tone told her.

  “I hear ya’.”

  “But do you?” For the first time she looked into his grey eyes and beyond the scars on his face and saw how handsome he was.

  “I do. We been together since sixth grade so I kind of feel obligated to. He was in an accident and is wheelchair bound,” she revealed.

  “I see. Isn’t it disability for people like that?”

  “Yeah, he gets that.”

  “Does he help out?”


  “So you’re not taking care of that man, he is also helping you take care of you and his son. Let me tell you something: don’t make a man feel less than what he is worth,” Tone advised. She looked down and twiddled with her fingers, hoping the time would fly by. Tone looked up at the ceiling and thought about his next move


  Two Days later…

  Mezzie walked into AJ’s daycare to pick him up. Mezzie looked around for one of teachers before she came out the back room.

  “Hi, Miranda. AJ was picked up already…You didn’t know?”

  “Who picked him up? I didn’t authorize anyone to pick him up but me and my fiancé, Reshawn Ellis,” Mezzie panicked. She had just left Reshawn at home.

  “Ma’am his father picked him up an hour early from usual timing. He showed ID and AJ has the same last name and looks just like the man. I figured it was okay that he picked his son up.”

  “Bitch, if the paper doesn’t have his name on it he can’t pick him up. I’m suing the shit out of y’all! Mezzie screamed and ran out the daycare.

  Mezzie fumbled with getting her keys out her bag as he heart pumped out of control. Once she hit the alarm and jumped in the car she grabbed her cellphone and peeled out the parking lot.

  “Hello,” Reshawn answered sleepily.

  “Tone took my fucking baby! He took him, Rah!” Mezzie screamed out of control.

  “What are you talking about, Mez? Calm down?” Reshawn directed her.

  “Tone took my fucking child, Rah. He picked AJ up from daycare. If he thought he was fucked up before watch when my ass get to his house.” Mezzie wiped her tears and bit down on her lip, tasting her own blood. As she steered she reached her hand down and checked for her gun.

  “Don’t go to his fucking house, Miranda. Come pick me up now!” Reshawn demanded. Mezzie ended the call and continued en route to Tone’s house.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Did you miss daddy?” Tone asked AJ as he sat on the counter eating ice cream.

  “Yeah daddy where did you go?” AJ asked, licking his
ice cream.

  “Daddy went on a little trip. Just know I thought about you every day.” Tone looked at his mini-me and he melted his heart. He didn’t know until his son was in his arms how much he missed him. AJ fell right into his lap.

  The other day he drove his aide to pick up her son, since her car was in the shop. Tone went in to use the bathroom when he passed the window where all the children were playing. Tone assumed his eyes were playing tricks on him but when AJ waved back and he saw the same piercing grey eyes staring back at him, he knew they weren’t.

  His plan to take AJ was to be malicious yet now having his son chilling with him, he felt something different. His son was an innocent pawn in his drama with his mother. He was in no position to get into a war with Moses but now he knew he was in one.

  “Daddy, why you walk with a cane?” AJ asked.

  “Daddy got hurt.”

  “Like mommy got hurt with Ray Ray?”

  “Who is Ray Ray, AJ?”

  “My baby brother, silly.” AJ laughed. Tone laughed with him but his heart said otherwise. Who did Mezzie have a baby with? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard banging at his front door. He sighed and got himself ready. Tone walked to the front door with AJ trailing behind him. He swung the door open and was hit with a right hook delivered from Mezzie.

  “Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, pick my son up from school! That is considered kidnapping and you lucky I didn’t call the fucking police!” Mezzie shouted.

  “He is also my son, Miranda,” Tone calmly stated.

  “Mommy stop yelling,” AJ yelled at his mommy. He didn’t like her yelling at his daddy.

  “I'm sorry, AJ,” Mezzie apologized and turned her attention back to Tone. “Don’t you crack your mouth to say he is your damn son; as I remember you left him screaming while I laid on the floor fighting for me and my daughter’s life. He is my fucking son! It’s taking everything in me not to fucking shoot you in the damn face but I see you’re already looking like someone got your ass,” Mezzie spat. She tried to pick up AJ but he ran behind his father’s legs.