A Woman's Worth 2 Page 9
Maybe I should settle down with Al, she thought. He’s not all that bad.
Tyrisha woke up sweating in a bedroom with an adjourning bathroom. She looked around the room and figured she was in a hotel room. She got up and went into the bathroom, splashed water in her face and used a cotton towel to wipe the moisture. She spritzed some perfume on and returned back to the bed. The door opened and in walked Lace. Tyrisha looked around confused. Last she remembered she was with Alomar having drinks at Benihana.
“How the hell I end up with you?” Tyrisha covered up her body and looked at Lace.
“Remember when you got my house raided? That’s when you asked to be with me.” Lace played with his lighter.
In one quick motion, he pounced on Tyrisha as she kicked and screamed and opened her legs. He shoved her legs apart and flicked the lighter, burning her pussy. The smell of burnt hair and flesh filled the air along with her screams. Lace got up and left the room. He washed his lighter and hands then returned. He snatched the sheet and flicked the lighter and lit her left nipple until the areola looked like a fried raisin. She tried everything to get away with tears streaming down her face and screams escaping her lips. He went back in the bathroom and sprayed the room with Airwick air freshener. He sprayed it on Tyrisha’s burning pussy causing her to squeeze her legs together and cry. Her voice was already hoarse from the piercing screams she’d delivered moments before.
“Please, stop. Please,” Tyrisha faintly begged.
“No, you didn’t stop. Me and Moses both told you to get lost but you couldn’t take it that you were replaced and not missed. You had to go fucking with our money…where is that mother fucker, Tone?” Lace asked messing with his lighter; it jammed. Lace got agitated with the lighter and left the room. Ten minutes later Al walked in the room with Moses, Lace and Reshawn behind him. If her burns weren’t enough this most certainly topped it.
“Hey, baby mama.” Moses laughed.
“Moe, I’m sorry! Please, don’t let them do this to me.” Tyrisha cleared her throat.
“Nah, you been real messy, Tee. Let’s see: me and Al, all while you’re with Moses with a kid. Let’s not forget Tone. Messy, Messy, Messy,” Lace cackled. Moses saw Tyrisha’s pussy and winced.
“I’ll help, I promise. I will show you everything,” She bargained. Lace took the alcohol Kim prepared for him in a douche and inserted in Tyrisha’s burnt crispy pussy and squeezed it. Tyrisha screamed so loud Alomar went and covered her mouth. Tears escaped her eyes and her body violently shook.
“ENOUGH!” Moses yelled. He couldn’t stomach it any longer. Lace pulled the bloody douche out Tyrisha’s pussy, confused.
“I can’t see her suffer like this. She is still the mother of my child and I can’t see her go through this. Get them to clean her up,” Moses instructed.
“Damn, Moe, I was just having fun. Well, at least she’s cleaned and pure. I douched her with alcohol.” Lace smiled wickedly.
“Thank you, Lace,” Moses replied sarcastically. Lace called in some aides and nurses to take her away. He guaranteed she would be in good hands. He went to his office and had his goon bring in the two brothers.
“You guys are looking so much better. How has your stay been?” Lace asked knowing it was horrible. He saw this as a business opportunity. He had many single woman solicit his business but he couldn’t service them since he didn’t have sperm. Yeah, he could have the woman go to the sperm bank but that would mean he would have to lower the price.
“Just fucking kill me. I’m in a room all day getting a cold steel put in my ass and woman jerking me off. What the fuck is this?” Jamal, the older of the two spoke of the rectal probe Kim used. It gave an electrical shock which caused the boys to get erect.
“You took from me and I’m taking from you. You say you know Tone from around the way, what do you know?” Laced probed.
“I know he has a bunch of houses around the city, and he stays in Staten Island,” Kilo answered.
“Is that all?”
“Yeah, and you ain’t shit,” Jamal spit on the table. Lace laughed and called the woman up to bring them back to their rooms. He offered everyone a cigar as they waited for the woman to come get Jamal and Kilo. Lace went around the desk and grabbed Jamal’s finger and clipped both his middle fingers off along with his pinky fingers with cigar clipper. He shoved the fingers all in his mouth to shut him up. When the woman came and collected them, they were disgusted.
“Do not remove the fingers out his mouth until I say so. Matter fact, hold on,” Lace got up and went into the bathroom. He filled a basin with green rubbing alcohol and stuck both of Jamal’s hands in as he screamed with the fingers in his mouth.
“Tell Kim to fix him up. Don’t remove the fingers.” Lace winked at Lisa.
“Get this one cleaned up and dressed, he has some work to do.” Lace pointed to Kilo.
Once the women were gone, Lace looked at Moses, Al and Reshawn for the next step. Moses was still disgusted and Reshawn was amazed. He knew he needed to step his game up when he got back to Miami. Alomar was used to it. Later, he wanted to trade torture tactics with Lace.
“I mean this whole thing is confusing to me right now. You want to spare Tyrisha’s life and she was down with Tone. She caused us to lose bread.” Reshawn pointed out the obvious.
“No, Charles caused us to. He told them where it was, and without his ass we would still have the drugs. She is my first love and mother of my child I will deal with her my way,” Moses corrected his brother.
“I don’t care what we do; all I know is Tone has to be dealt with. I know he is hiding since Tiff let some loose but I know he will resurface,” Lace was sure.
Chapter Seventeen
Epiphany strutted into club located in Harlem dressed in nothing but the best. She had a Chanel pants suit with no shirt under. Just her bare perky breast with the one button closed. Her feet donned a pair of Emilio Pucci six inch pumps. Her Chanel boy bag hung off her shoulder while her Chanel frames were dripped in pearls. Her long black hair was pinned up like a short do. She slid into the stool and crossed her thick legs. The bartender came to her first, hoping to kick game but Epiphany shot that down with her look of disapproval.
“Give me the bottle of Richard Hennessey, it’s been that kind of day. Bring two glasses, also,” Epiphany ordered.
“Ma’am that is a $4,000 bottle. I need a valid credit card on file before I place the order.”
Epiphany handed him her black card and he hurried off to fulfill her order. Tone had been off the radar for a while. Lace was becoming impatient and Moses was becoming irritated. Epiphany and Promise decided to step in and nail him, with the help of Mezzie and Tiffany. The bartender came back empty handed with the card in his hand.
“Ma’am the owner would like to have a word with you. The bottle is on the house. This guard will show you to the back room and the bottle is already waiting for you one chilled and one room temperature whatever you preference is,” The Chris Brown look alike explained.
He fell right into my lap. Epiphany laughed. She followed the man to the back. Tone was seated on a sectional with the bottles waiting.
“Piff, long time, I see,” Tone greeted Epiphany. He got up and kissed her lips.
“Too long. What are you doing in New York?” Epiphany played it off.
“I decided to branch out here again. Take a seat.” Tone poured two cups and Epiphany sat down beside him. He cozied up to her and looked in her eyes.
“I want to apologize for the last time we were together. I wasn’t in the right mind set,” Tone apologized.
“Oh that, I am not tripping. What’s done was done. New city, new problems.” Epiphany sipped her drink.
“Right, what are you getting into tonight? My little fashion killa.” Tone outlined her thick thighs with his index finger.
“Home and some drinks alone.”
“Can I join?”
“Do you want to?”
“You know I do.”
“It is set come home with me and explore this pussy like you have many nights in the past,” Epiphany purred in his ear, her warm breath tickled his ears.
“Oh, I will. Where’s your place?”
“The Gansevoort in the meat packing district. That is home now until I find a place,” Epiphany lied.
“My limo awaits us.” Tone grabbed both bottles and showed Epiphany out the back of the club. Epiphany sent a quick text to Mezzie stating she was in route to the hotel. Mezzie and Promise were already inside the room. Tiffany was in the parking garage waiting.
Hotel 12:30 am ….
Tone couldn’t keep his hands off Epiphany and she was getting annoyed. She didn’t want to fuck Tone. The picture she had painted in her head of Tone made her not want to even look his way. She just saw him as an expensive crack head
“Let me change real quickly.” Epiphany pushed Tone back and went into the bathroom. She turned the water on and splashed her face with water. Promise fixed herself in the mirror, Epiphany tapped her in. Promise sauntered out the bathroom sexily clad in a short teddy with her nipples showing. Tone unzipped his pants and his dick fell out. Promise wasn’t about to get down with the sloppy fifths. Tone had been around.
“Let me make a drink. You want?” Promise walked over the table the drinks sat.
“Yeah, make it a double. Put this in it, too.” He handed her a pill shaped like a star. She put the pill in his drink, along with the pill she was giving him, and gave him his drink. Tone gulped it down in two gulps and sat on the bed stroking his dick. Promise straddled him and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, hoping it kicked in before he tried to slip his dick into her.
Tone was out cold. He would occasionally slur some words that no one could make out. Promise got redressed and Epiphany changed out her designer gear. Mezzie held Tone up and put sunglasses on him. They walked pass an employee and all giggled.
“This is what happens at bachelor parties,” Epiphany giggled.
“I understand. I hope you enjoyed your stay,” The man smiled and continued on his way. The girls quickly got him the car. Epiphany and Promise sat on opposite sides of him while Mezzie jumped in the front seat. Tiffany pulled off to the mansion. She knew what was about to be in store for Tone.
The girls arrived at the mansion and the men carried Tone into the medical wing. Kim was sitting at her desk watching the news. She missed Lace, he hadn’t been his self and everyone tried to tie the loose ends up so he could get back on his medicine. A couple times Kim thought of maybe slipping them in his drinks. But she knew that would mess up the mind of the man he was when he was on his medicine. He would remember the horrific things he did and that would cause him to lose his mind all over again.
The men carried someone into the operating room next to her office. She looked in the room and lost her breath when she saw it was Tone. She changed her number and hadn’t spoken to Tone since the night she decided she would ride with Lace. Here was Tone laid knocked out and in her hands; sad to say she knew the outcome.
Kim walked into the room with the men and woman staring at her. Kim looked at Mezzie, she recognized her as the side bitch Tone had behind Tyrisha’s back. She smiled at her and continued walking to the table. She wanted to break down and cry, hug her man and take him home with her. However, she had to remain cold and put her personal feelings aside. She thought of all the times Tone disrespected her, the times he put his hands on her and dared her to say something. She thought of his greediness and ungratefulness and it caused her to look down at the man before her with hate.
“What to do with him?” Kim looked around the room. Laced whispered in her ears and she smiled. Kim started an IV on Tone. She then started anesthesia. She made sure she hadn’t miscalculated the amount she gave him.
“Give him some time. Let the drugs he took wear off and then let these kick in.” Kim retired back to the room. Thankfully, Moses took Lace with him. Kim didn’t want him around her when he was like this.
Chapter Eighteen
Tyrisha winced in pain as she opened her eyes. The bright sun shining in her room caused her to shut them again. She tried to open them again and shift her body up, the pain she felt on her chest and vagina felt ten times worst. Tyrisha quickly snatched the sheet and heated blanket off of her and stared down at her burnt pussy. What the fuck?! She thought as she tried to sit up again. The pain she felt was worse pain she felt ever. Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at breast.
The same short white lady at Lace’s house came in with a white lab coat. Tyrisha looked at her IV and wondered if she was still dreaming. Kim knew why she was looking around crazy; she had been there since Lace went nuts and mutilated her.
“Good morning, Tyrisha. I am Kim, your attending doctor.” Kim fiddled with the IV and helped Tyrisha get comfortable in the bed. She went to the sink and washed her hands and slipped on gloves.
“Your burns are forming pus bubbles which aren’t good. I will be popping some of them and cleaning your wound. Because you been sedated the last couple days you haven’t felt the pain you are about to experience.” Kim lifted Tyrisha’s legs into the stirrup and started to prepare her station.
“Who are you?” Tyrisha stuttered.
“Tone’s wife.”
“So why were you at Lace’s house?”
“I’m with Lace. Long story and it doesn’t need to be explained.”
“Who did this to me?” Tyrisha winced in pain as Kim started to touch the area.
“Lace,” Kim answered as Tyrisha was so consumed with screams she passed out. Kim looked at her nipple and covered it back up. She tucked Tyrisha in and left the room.
“Lisa, make sure she eats solids today. No more liquid,” Kim advised.
When Tyrisha woke back up, she called out but her throat was dry. She pressed the button and a woman with red hair came in the room.
“Yes, what can I get you?” The lady spoke with a southern drawl.
“Water, please. Where is the doctor? What time is it?”
“Calm down, before you get your pressure up. She is busy for the night she gave orders not to bother her. It’s twelve in the morning; I will go get your water now.” The lady left and came back to help Tyrisha drink the water.
Meanwhile down the hall…
Kim had prepped Tone again, he was awake but he couldn’t move. He could, however, feel everything that was about to be done to him. Lace had the room decorated with chairs so everyone could sit comfortably. Lace entered the room dressed in a white tux and white Louboutins sneakers. Nobody questioned it; Lace was simply Lace.
Kim sat down next to Mezzie and crossed her legs. Everything had been laid out for Lace; no one else wanted to participate. Moses felt a simple bullet to the head was enough. Lace picked up the scalpel and ran it across Tone’s fingers as his eyes got wide. Lace let out a wicked laugh and twirled it around his hand, then started throwing fingers around the room.
“Lace, you’re going too far,” Moses let it be known.
“My fault, Moe. I couldn’t resist.” Tone had passed out. Kim placed ammonia under his nose and he awoke.
“Antonio, how are we feeling?” Lace cackled. Lace took the bloody sheet off his feet and severed each of his toes off and flicked them around the room. Everyone left the room in disgust. Kim looked through the window at the maniac things Lace was doing.
Two hours later and Lace stepped out the room with his white suite now red. Lace had sliced all Tone’s fingers and Toes off. He carved his name into his naked body over a million times. Kim felt Tone’s pulse and it was faint. She started the IV and went to work since Lace didn’t want him dead. Yet.
Moses entered Tyrisha’s room to her sleeping peacefully. She looked like the angel she was two years ago. She wasn’t manipulative and she wasn’t money hungry.
“Why couldn’t you be a mother to our son and a woman to me? I treated you with nothing but respect
and you continued to disrespect me. You went back to the same man who almost killed you and your best friend. You helped take away money we were stacking up for our family. I remember you told me you was rider. You ain’t no damn rider. The only ride you willing to take is to the bank. I thought I could save you and be okay with it but I know I can’t. Too much has been done and too much has been in jeopardy because of you. I will always love you and I will remind our son how wonderful his mother is even if you’re not.” Moses sniffled as tears went down his cheek.
He picked the pillow from behind her and placed it over her face with all his might. Tyrisha started to scratch and kick rapidly but Moses kept holding the pillow in place until she stopped. Her body slightly twitched as he kissed her forehead. Moses dipped down the hallway and out to his car. He caught his breath and tears flew down his eyes. How could he had just killed his one and true love? She could of changed and he could of learned to deal with mistakes she made.
How would he explain to his son where his mother was? It wasn’t like Tyrisha was around him anyway. Moses jumped out the car and ran back to the house as fast as his Valentino loafers would take him. He rushed into Kim’s office to find her straddled on top of Lace kissing him. They both turned around when Moses rushed in the room.
“Well, damn, Moe. Me and this hoe trying to start something.” Lace looked annoyed. Kim slapped him in the face and got up. She couldn’t wait until he got back on his meds.
“I just smothered Tyrisha, please try to revive her,” Moses begged with tears in his eyes. Reshawn rushed in the room to see if what he heard was accurate. Moses begging and crying.
“What! Why the hell would you do that?” Kim rushed out the room in route to Tyrisha’s room.
“Nigga, you didn’t let me torture her but you smother her. Man, the shit I had planned for her ass.” Lace lit a blunt and let the high calm him down. Moses bumped into Reshawn on his way out to Tyrisha’s room wishing he could take back what he just did.